Happy to be here. I few friends recommended I join you.
I have two aquariums. The first is a more 'traditional' scape:
120 x 50x 60cm Aquariums4life
Aquael 2000 Ultramax Filter
Online CO2 and heater
The substrate is:
John Inness Number 3 (Compost) in net bags (generic supermarket fine bags for fruit)
Osmscote (produced by the Scott's Company UK) liberally scattered in the substrate under the heavy feeding plants.
Topped with a mix of ADA and cheap aquarium silver sand
Rocks are recovered from a stream (with permission from the owner).
The wood is a mixture of hardwood UK native roots power washed and soaked in water butt.
The second is a paludarium:
It's a Aquariums4life custom 60cm by 70cm by 50 cm high .
Th walls are epiweb system II (dripwall) and Hygrolon.
The substrate is my usual mix of John Innes Number 3 (compost) and old aquasoil/ sand in bags capped with sand. The hardscape is lava rock. The immersed plants are assorted buce, anubias, floating plants with a few crypts thrown in.