Hi there and thanks for the welcome.
I currently run 3 tanks, 2 60x45x45 and one 120x50x50. I restarted my hobby after a 25 year hiatus, kids, life etc. Then we had our first grandchild and I showed him the fish at our local pet shop and that was it, caught hook line and sinker! In the fist 60cm tank I have a community tank consisting of electric blue rams, common bristle nose, rummy nose, cardinal, black neon tetras and pepper Cory’s.
In the other 60cm I’ve just put in 4 small red devil angel fish, glo light tetras, super red bristle nose and bronze Cory’s.
In the 120cm tank I’ve got 7 discus, Congo tetras, L397 pleco’s and sterbai Cory’s.
I’m really enjoying re-engaging with the hobby after so many years away. Looking forward to getting around the forums and engaging with fellow Aquarist’s