We should have a word for non-planted tank folks...

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Founding Member
Oct 29, 2022
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You know, like non-magic folks are called muggles?

It happened again to me this past weekend. We have friends over for dinner and they walk over to see my aquarium. First thing out of their mouths is "Where are the fish?"

My standard reply is, "It's a planted tank. Those are real plants. There are no fish yet."

The standard reply by my non-planted tank friend, "So you have an aquarium with just plants in it?? Really?"


I know we've done this before but make me feel better. What do your non-plant friends say about your aquarium? I can't be alone with this.
In reefing its

Reef tank - assumes mixed reef of hard, soft, and lps corals with reef safe fish n critters

sps reef tank - tank dominated and setup for sps corals

Fowlr - fish only with live rock, usually predator or non reef safe fish.

I've been thinking on this too, and i have nothing lol.
When people see my tank for the first time, the first thing they always say is "This is saltwater, right?".

When I explain that this is freshwater and all of those are real plants, they seem confused.

Then I begin to explain about what goes into keeping a high tech planted tank, and before you know it their eyes are rolling back in their head.

Let's face it. Outside of our little community people have no idea this hobby even exists. And even when they see it sometimes they aren't even sure what they saw. And if they do get it then I am guessing they think I am nuts for putting in the effort it takes.

That's why I appreciate all you other nuts around here who make it all seem normal!! :D :D ;) ;)
That's why I appreciate all you other nuts around here who make it all seem normal!!
Love this words.

This hobby, where I live, is very niche (and I'm not talking about planted tank, I'm talking about aquariums in general), last day I went to LFS (big franchise, like your Petco) for buying dog's food, there was a guy buying fishies, every fish that his daughter said " I want it dad", the guy bought. He went to home with 1 barb, 1 ancistrus, 1 oto (it was a Siamese) and a guppy, what a shame, fish need more respect.

I'm 24 years old (my friends doesn't understand a thing when I try to explain something), luckily I live with my parents and I do smart working for 4/5 days per week so plenty of time near the tank. For who is following my journal, I have 20 nano fish but they are almost invisible after the feeding time and everyone who come near the tank say "where are the fish?"

My father is always try to convince me to buy pearl gourami (are beautiful) but I have others plan for now
Good to see that I'm not alone and that it's the same in other parts of the world.

This is why a site like ScapeCrunch is so meaningful to me. I'm in Miami and there are almost no planted tank folks here. ScapeCrunch gives me a community of fellow "nuts" that I fit in with.
Well, if I am going to be honest and not employ any filters, what rolls around in my head is Cheesy tank keeper…. But that is not terribly polite…. I would never say that out loud myself.. I thought a few times before even typing it… but there it is…

I can understand it for certain species that will tear up any plants, or if one is creating a biotope where plants are not present. And granted people can do whatever they want.. and when I was a child I liked cheesy air bubbler decor.

But, I will admit my bias…

I have three 10 gallon quarantine tanks in my cellar. Ugf, gravel on top and silk plants…. No scaping in them…

after a few years, silk plants start getting raggedy…

Rather than get new, I have started thinking about putting in some rocks and driftwood with Anubias and java fern and floating plants in them. Having them attached to decor will make it easy to take out for getting fish out after quarantine…. And the natural plants will look much better than artificial. I have to think the fish would be happier with them…

I never see fish interact with silk plants like they do with real…
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Thanks. As we all know, plants are good for the aquarium ecosystem. The synergies that all tank inhabitants have with each other is the way nature works. We know, respect and appreciate that.

I do wish people took some time to think about how they are interacting with nature (or not) and found value in doing more of it.