Journal "Torrent" - Contest tank 2024

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Dec 21, 2022
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Inspired by a rushing mountain stream flowing through the woods, this aquascape captures nature's raw beauty. Torrent waters shape the stones, creating a dynamic underwater landscape. Plants cling to the rocks, thriving despite the fast currents. This aquatic world reflects the resilience and harmony of nature.

Dimensions: 120x50x45cm - 270 liters or 71 gallon
Lighting: Chihiros A1201 x2, Chihiros RGB 60
Filtration: Oase BioMaster Thermo 600, Eheim 2217
Pressurised 3 bps - DIY CO2 reactor (connected on Eheim 2217)
Substrate: Lava gravel, ADA La Plata sand, ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Hardscape: Red Moorwood, Talawa wood, Seiryu stones, Grey River stones
Flora: Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin', Anubias sp. 'Pangolino', Anubias sp. 'Petite', Bucephalandra sp. 'Rosemary', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Needle Leaf', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Phantom', Callicostella prabaktiana, Hemianthus glomeratus, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Hottonia palustris, Bolbitis sp. 'Mini' Guinea 2002, Hymenasplenium obscurum, Nymphaea gardneriana 'Santarem', Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo', Phyllanthus fluitans
Fauna: Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi 'Smoke', Boehlkea fredcochui, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, Crossocheilus oblongus, Otocinclus affinis, Caridina multidentata, Clithon corona
Fertilization: Bolbi Plantavit complete 3,50ml and Plantavit potassium+ 4ml - daily via Chihiros dosing pump, Bolbi AquaRoot Caps
Water change: 40% once a week (first 3 months twice a week)

Hardscape construction​





The tank was flooded and left with the filter on for 6 weeks, without lighting.


Day 1 - Planting​


Day 94​


Day 137​


Day 164​


Day 223 - Final photo​


At this year KIAC I won 28th place! 🥳

This is awesome looking! I have always admired this style of aquascaping but don’t have the patience for the initial setup. What kind of maintenance do you need to keep this up? Just water changes, vacuuming, and mild trimming? I’m very curious.
Thanks guys!

This is awesome looking! I have always admired this style of aquascaping but don’t have the patience for the initial setup. What kind of maintenance do you need to keep this up? Just water changes, vacuuming, and mild trimming? I’m very curious.

The maintenance was quite simple, especially in the beginning when I only needed to change the water more frequently and vacuum the sand. Later, as the plants started to grow, I paid more attention to keeping them in shape. Trimming the moss was particularly delicate, even though Callicostella prabaktiana grows much slower than other mosses, so it was easy to keep it tidy.

Certainly, this type of aquarium is much easier to maintain than a garden style with a lot of stems. Most of the work went into building the hardscape - it took me 2 weeks to complete it (about 20-25 working hours).
The tank was flooded and left with the filter on for 6 weeks, without lighting.
@Bolbi - first, congratulations on a 28th place finish! That's amazing and the tank looks awesome.

I did want to ask what was your thinking with the dark start here. Growing the bacteria or managing the AquaSoil?
Plantavit potassium+ 4ml - daily
Can you tell us why you are dosing potassium daily?

Lastly, how did you keep the La Plata sand so clean?!
Thanks Art!
I did want to ask what was your thinking with the dark start here. Growing the bacteria or managing the AquaSoil?
Both, and most impotrant priming the wood. This wood in the first few weeks producing a lot of slime/fungus. Since I had last couple portions of Callicostella moss I wanted to be sure to glue it on a clean wood surface. Sometimes this fungus can kill the moss.
Can you tell us why you are dosing potassium daily?
Well, just because I have a dosing pump:p But for real, in the first months I was doing frequent water changes (2x sometimes even 3x a week) and to keep potassium levels on desred value this was good practice.
Lastly, how did you keep the La Plata sand so clean?!
I have about 80 Amano shrimp in this tank. :) They are very active and love to dig and turn over the sand. I also vacuum the sand several times a month and pour in fresh if necessary.
You can see that the stones are also very clean. I was able to determine the exact dose of ferts to keep the plants happy, but not to give the algae a chance to thrive. :)
Thanks guys!

The maintenance was quite simple, especially in the beginning when I only needed to change the water more frequently and vacuum the sand. Later, as the plants started to grow, I paid more attention to keeping them in shape. Trimming the moss was particularly delicate, even though Callicostella prabaktiana grows much slower than other mosses, so it was easy to keep it tidy.

Certainly, this type of aquarium is much easier to maintain than a garden style with a lot of stems. Most of the work went into building the hardscape - it took me 2 weeks to complete it (about 20-25 working hours).
thank you for the maintenance description. It definitely sounds like something I want to try in the future.
Did you enter the IAPLC as well this year? I saw some heavy hitters and former IAPLC winners in KIAC this year - Steven Chong and Matthew Israel Manes, for example.
Did you enter the IAPLC as well this year? I saw some heavy hitters and former IAPLC winners in KIAC this year - Steven Chong and Matthew Israel Manes, for example.
I did not. The thing is, if you participate on IAPLC, you can not enter to other competitions with the same work (only to IAPLC authorized contests which are few).
You can see that the stones are also very clean. I was able to determine the exact dose of ferts to keep the plants happy, but not to give the algae a chance to thrive.
You found the sweet spot!
Ive seen this in the contest and find it really well tought out. How the rounded stones are in the 'stream' and the sides where like a real shore more straight. A well deserved ranking.
Your composition is very well executed with the vanishing point on the golden section line. Did you design it using the traditional composition techniques?

Also, what is the moss on the rocks in the center?
Your composition is very well executed with the vanishing point on the golden section line. Did you design it using the traditional composition techniques?
Yes, I marked golden ratio point during the scaping process (vissible on 3rd photo).

There is one catch - this should be done using a photo of the tank, not by measuring on the back glass. Also, refraction of light in water should be taken into account. This phenomena will "stretch" the objects that are in the background of the aquarium (more you go to the back glass, more distortion you get).

I use this technique; During the scaping process I am shooting aquarium with longer focal lenght then when shooting for the final photo. In my case, I am using wide angle lens (14-24mm) so when the tank is empty, focal lenght of 22mm corespodent with 15mm when filled with water (+/- 1mm).
Also, what is the moss on the rocks in the center?
There is only one moss sp. in the tank - Callicostella prabaktiana.
Achieving depth

For creating more depth you need lines that are more vertical to the front/back. Since we are limited with tank depth (in my case 50cm) this can be done by creating curved lines instead of making it straight.

Rock structure (cliff) on the left side appears flat/straight by looking from the front but actually it is curved line in shape of letter "S".

Torrent design2.jpg
During the scaping process I am shooting aquarium with longer focal lenght then when shooting for the final photo...
Rock structure (cliff) on the left side appears flat/straight by looking from the front but actually it is curved line in shape of letter "S...

Brilliant. 🏆🏆🏆🏆

Are these well known techniques in diorama aquascaping? Or are they your own invention?
Brilliant. 🏆🏆🏆🏆

Are these well known techniques in diorama aquascaping? Or are they your own invention?

I came to the conclusions myself, so I can say "my invention". :)
As for the photography, I knew that from before, while this one with the chicane-shaped rock formation is a new discovery. I came to this realization while building the left side of the scape. It could be said out of necessity because it would be ideal if the tank were a little deeper, at least by 5-10 cm, but in the end I succeeded with this technique.