What is your thinking with the different levels?
First of all, i think we need to see this from 2 sides of view as aquascaper.
One with preference in design , another one in plant culture ( plant focused / dutch style / etc ) .
Design is something like what Josh Sim , Yoyo Prayogi , Takayuki Fukada and Matthew Maness doing.
While plant focused is like
@GreggZ , Dennis , Raj and Tom doing.
I see there few differences in "setting" for both sides in terms of the layout itself ( before we talk about how these affect K usage )
A. So less shadow area for plant focused scaper layout, but alot shadow on diorama style layout.
We can see almost every plant will get adequate light intensity in plant focused tank ( if not high intensity ).
It's because of the hardscape , the plant arrangement, etc.
B. Diorama / competition tank tend to run with easy plant , like rotala , buce , anubias , monte carlo , hemianthus micranthemoides , fern and so on.
These plants, can even live in low tech with minimal amount of dosing.
Look at Philipe Oliveira , Erkut ( tropic tank ) video and see thier schedule. Philipe running with Seachem, while Erkut using Tropica.
We know how lean these fert are , but thier tank show no sign of serious deficiency except bronzing ( which is for aesthetic purpose ) .
Because the plant selection itself is on "easy tier " they can hold pretty wide range of K .
Example in my pic, tiger lotus. U see koi / pond people use lotus alot in thier pond. And i bet they never dose any fert ( well , I believe most of them ) but the lotus grow just fine in their setup.
Do u guys ever check local shrimp breeder place? They keep lotsa moss, like christmas moss , java , pelia , even buce in thier setup but nvr dose any fert.
Then u see how betta breeder / guppy breeder in Vietnam or Malaysia or Indonesia, keep their spawn in container / place where they use floater like water lettuce , red root floaters, etc and never dose any.
And their floaters grow just fine.
All the nutrients coming from somewhere else , like from wc , feeding etc.
@GreggZ I believe not K sir, but phosphorus. Im the one that posted that in Malaysia Aquascaping Club.
And thx to that i learned alot from your dosing.
What i gain now actually thx to your sharing. Thx alot sir