So there is this stupid thing going around groups that Landen has contaminated soil and that the Kelb that grows is impossible to eradicate long term. So I took up the challenge and had people ship me Landen soil that was already confirmed infected or from same batches.
I set up this 40b 1 month ago. Since there as not enough Landen I layered Tropica as base and put unopened bags of Landen on top followed by infected Landen.
To encourage algae growth I only did one water change 2 weeks later and didn’t put any filter on it.
3 weeks later I had algae growing on substrate which I sent to Chris to confirm as Kelb, so now we are set.
We have the algae, we have contaminated soil.
I’ll document this tank to show the soil is not the real issue here.
The method I will follow
I will follow EI as my dosing method. That’s what I do for all my tanks. I do not test ferts, PH it anything else.
Water changes every 3-5 days as I find time until tank stabilizes and slow move to once a week waterchange
Water changes will be 70-80% as my other tanks
Algaecides will be used in needed but not at start. The initial goal would be to let some initial algae cycle out like GDA and Diatoms.
Dosing will be using Thrive. I will start dosing from this week even tho soil is new.
Fish may or may not be added since this is going to be a temp tank just for this experiment.
Today I did my only second water change and I put a Ehiem 2215 on it. The tank will get a second Ehiem once I get another double tap which I accidentally broke.
After waterchange I dosed Amquel for chlorine removal and some Aquarium Buffer since in new tanks PH is too low and it takes longer to cycle.
Before and after picture’s below. And a closer photo of algae.
I set up this 40b 1 month ago. Since there as not enough Landen I layered Tropica as base and put unopened bags of Landen on top followed by infected Landen.
To encourage algae growth I only did one water change 2 weeks later and didn’t put any filter on it.
3 weeks later I had algae growing on substrate which I sent to Chris to confirm as Kelb, so now we are set.
We have the algae, we have contaminated soil.
I’ll document this tank to show the soil is not the real issue here.
The method I will follow
I will follow EI as my dosing method. That’s what I do for all my tanks. I do not test ferts, PH it anything else.
Water changes every 3-5 days as I find time until tank stabilizes and slow move to once a week waterchange
Water changes will be 70-80% as my other tanks
Algaecides will be used in needed but not at start. The initial goal would be to let some initial algae cycle out like GDA and Diatoms.
Dosing will be using Thrive. I will start dosing from this week even tho soil is new.
Fish may or may not be added since this is going to be a temp tank just for this experiment.
Today I did my only second water change and I put a Ehiem 2215 on it. The tank will get a second Ehiem once I get another double tap which I accidentally broke.
After waterchange I dosed Amquel for chlorine removal and some Aquarium Buffer since in new tanks PH is too low and it takes longer to cycle.
Before and after picture’s below. And a closer photo of algae.