Hello Everyone,
So, 2 years ago I attempted my first Dutch aquarium that some of you may remember from various other forums.
It was this 10gal:

Unfortunately life got busy and this tank became a disaster a few weeks after this picture was shot.
The good news is today starts a new Dutch aquarium. Taking what I learned 2 years ago and hopefully applying more patience this time around for this 40gal:

This was literally setup today. And wanted to share my journey navigating the Dutch aquascaping scene.
Tank: 40gal breeder (36in x 18in x 16in)
Light - Fluval 3.0 Planted (Set to 80% for 6 hours with a ramp up and ramp down time of 1 hour total)
Filter - Aquaclear 70
Heater - Eheim Thermocontrol 125 - set to 72F/22C
CO2 - 10lb tank with Co2Art SE Pro regulator with intank diffuser (On 1.5 hours before lights on and off 2 hour before lights off)
Following @Unexpected fert numbers from his tank of the month post as a baseline to start. These are all front loaded besides the Micros:
NO3 30ppm
PO4 10ppm
K 40ppm
Fe .45ppm
Ca 24ppm
Mg 8ppm
pH and pH drop is currently unknown as I have tested it yet but will tomorrow after work to see numbers as the diffuser and check valve came in about an hour before lights on.
I am using a RO/DI unit that I have setup about 5 feet from the aquarium.
So, 2 years ago I attempted my first Dutch aquarium that some of you may remember from various other forums.
It was this 10gal:

Unfortunately life got busy and this tank became a disaster a few weeks after this picture was shot.
The good news is today starts a new Dutch aquarium. Taking what I learned 2 years ago and hopefully applying more patience this time around for this 40gal:

This was literally setup today. And wanted to share my journey navigating the Dutch aquascaping scene.
Tank: 40gal breeder (36in x 18in x 16in)
Light - Fluval 3.0 Planted (Set to 80% for 6 hours with a ramp up and ramp down time of 1 hour total)
Filter - Aquaclear 70
Heater - Eheim Thermocontrol 125 - set to 72F/22C
CO2 - 10lb tank with Co2Art SE Pro regulator with intank diffuser (On 1.5 hours before lights on and off 2 hour before lights off)
Following @Unexpected fert numbers from his tank of the month post as a baseline to start. These are all front loaded besides the Micros:
NO3 30ppm
PO4 10ppm
K 40ppm
Fe .45ppm
Ca 24ppm
Mg 8ppm
pH and pH drop is currently unknown as I have tested it yet but will tomorrow after work to see numbers as the diffuser and check valve came in about an hour before lights on.
I am using a RO/DI unit that I have setup about 5 feet from the aquarium.
- alternanthera reineckii var. 'roseafolia' TC
- bacopa carolina TC
- bolbitis heaudelotii difformis TC
- cryptocoryne lutea
- cryptocoryne Crispatula TC
- elocharis montevidensis
- hygrophila salicifolia
- hygrophila pinnatifida TC
- hygrophila lancea araguaia TC
- lobelia cardinalis TC
- ludwigia repens
- ludwigia palustiris
- rotala H'ra TC
- staurogyne repens TC