I know this is more of a planted tank forum, but maybe someone can help out.
120 gallon tank, lightly planted
6 x 4" discus
2 x weekly 30% water changes
84 degrees
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 - 10 nitrate
The effected fish was acting completely normal for days prior to the state they are in now, eating any and all foods, sparing with tankmates, swimming with the group etc. Overnight the fish went from being one of the more dominant fish in the tank, to sitting at the surface, fins clamped down, and dark in color, no interest in food. The fish that was bought from the same tank at the same time is acting completely normal.
I immediately performed a 60% water change.
The fish responded slightly, however it hung out alone in the corner, no interest in food.
50% water change every day for 3 days now, with slight improvements in behavior and less fin clamping, however no interest in food, and sits in the back corner.
Currently there is a small sore on the side of the discus that just appeared today, they have slight excess slime on the dorsal fin, and is breathing a little harder than it has been over the last few days. Color is a less dark than when they first showed symptoms.
All 5 other discus are acting completely normal and eating well.
Any ideas? I'll post a picture and a video (if it will work) - I turned the lights on just to grab the photo / video so don't mind all the other discus huddled up, they are typically out swimming / acting normal.
120 gallon tank, lightly planted
6 x 4" discus
2 x weekly 30% water changes
84 degrees
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 - 10 nitrate
The effected fish was acting completely normal for days prior to the state they are in now, eating any and all foods, sparing with tankmates, swimming with the group etc. Overnight the fish went from being one of the more dominant fish in the tank, to sitting at the surface, fins clamped down, and dark in color, no interest in food. The fish that was bought from the same tank at the same time is acting completely normal.
I immediately performed a 60% water change.
The fish responded slightly, however it hung out alone in the corner, no interest in food.
50% water change every day for 3 days now, with slight improvements in behavior and less fin clamping, however no interest in food, and sits in the back corner.
Currently there is a small sore on the side of the discus that just appeared today, they have slight excess slime on the dorsal fin, and is breathing a little harder than it has been over the last few days. Color is a less dark than when they first showed symptoms.
All 5 other discus are acting completely normal and eating well.
Any ideas? I'll post a picture and a video (if it will work) - I turned the lights on just to grab the photo / video so don't mind all the other discus huddled up, they are typically out swimming / acting normal.