Seventh Place - The Red Shadow

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Staff member
Founding Member
Oct 29, 2022
Reaction score
Entry 13.jpeg
Image copyright © Tanakrit Buntao

Artist: Tanakrit Buntao
Location: Thailand

Volume (liters) 250L

Length x Width x Height (cm) 120x45x45

Plants -Eriocaulon vietnam
-Lobelia cardinalis Mini
-Ludwigia Glandulosa
-Ludwigai Rubin
-Staurogyne repen
-blyxa Japonica
-Neaseae Pedicellata Golden
-Anubias nana petite
-Christmas Moss

Fish -Cardinal tetras
-Forktail Rainbow
Judges comments:

Gregg Zydeck
I love color but this is just too much red domina􏰀ng the background. It overshadows everything else. For this contest it needs to be less hardscape focused and more plant centric. So it doesn’t really fit well into this category. But s􏰀ll it is a really nice presenta􏰀on and a good looking tank.

Joe Harvey
This is borderline too reliant on hardscape for a Garden Style contest. Would be a lot better if those big rocks in the midground were similar sized plant groups. Avoid putting reds in front of reds. Pretty tank though. Im sure its a pleasure to look at with all the colorful fish.

Marian Sterian
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Dennis Wong
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Vin Kutty
The hyper-caffeinated and intense colors of the Rotala is very nicely balanced by the Pogo erectus, but I unfortunately cannot see the Pogo erectus nor the whole tank. When you have such intense colors in the back, you do not need more red from Ludwigia and Ammannia. The latter also seems unhappy. I wish there was more green to rest my eyes on instead of the rocks.

Suggestions: show whole tank. Provide more color balance. Eliminate plants like Ammannia that easily stunt at the tips.