RO for drinking water

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Community Member
Jul 20, 2023
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Maybe a weird question but … do you any of you use your RO water for drinking? If you do, do you remineralize it?

Yes! The purest, cleanest water money can buy … I do remineralize to taste and for health (my regular tap water was mineral deficient, as well) with this:

Aussie Trace Minerals

I also put a flagon of mineralized RO water on a swirl device to oxygenate and structure … I am a bit of a fanatic about drinking water and health in general : )

Mayu Swirl
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I use pure RO for drinking water and in the ice maker.

I'm also on a well with rock hard water that goes through a softener. I'll take the RO any day.
Same. RO for drinking and cooking, 10+ years. Do an analysis on your tap water, you might be shocked.
Our water supply changed a couple of years ago. It tasted fine but failed EPA regs over and over. Now it is deemed “safe” but is undrinkable due to taste … TDS over 800, KH over 20, GH 0. I’ve been using RO for the tanks and us ever since then.

I’m curious about the minerals some of you add vs the ones who drink it without additives. I’ve been using something called Trace Minerals and am intrigued by Ci’s suggestion. Also intrigued by not adding anything at all!
While I don’t believe you need minerals in your water, if you are getting enough through your diet, it is an easy way to supplement your essential electrolytes. Since most of us are used to the taste of some minerals in the water, plain RO water can seem flat.
I started out putting a dropperful of the Aussie traces in my flask and kept adding small amounts until I no longer cared for the taste. I cut back a tad and that is what I routinely add.

Someone on this forum mentioned in a different thread that it is dangerous to drink RO water and that it dehydrates you. From further research, I don’t believe that is true, but perhaps adding electrolytes back in is good for peace of mind. Can’t hurt, at any rate.

If you wish to drink it go a head. It has no minerals in it and can effect many peoples health.

I have used Ro/Di water for aquariums for 35 years now. Pure water is not what are body is designed to use. If you drank nothing but RO/Di water your body will start looking in your body for the minerals it needs.
This is one of this is one of those "agree to dis-agree" subjects, and a rabbit hole at that. No one is going to change another's mind on this subject or frankly on any other subject. Do your own research and do what you feel is right either way. No reason to make this a heated debate.

Someone on this forum mentioned in a different thread that it is dangerous to drink RO water and that it dehydrates you. From further research, I don’t believe that is true, but perhaps adding electrolytes back in is good for peace of mind. Can’t hurt, at any rate.
I was the one that said this. I can and will dehydrate you, RO/DI anyway if that is all you drink without any extra electrolytes. Professional body builders and fighters use it to cut weight that last few days for their weigh ins. A good friend of mine who does professional body building uses it for every single weigh in.

All that being said, most people won’t be putting their body through that kind of stress and limiting their diet. RO water is probably like sugar was in 80’s, table salt etc. It’s not terrible for you if it’s in moderation unless you’re compromised in way or another.

I grew up in the coal region of Pennsylvania drinking well water from a garden hose so take my thoughts on this with a grain of salt 🤪

Edit - it was fat in the 80’s, sugar in the 2000’s then salt etc.
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Thanks, everyone, for your insights. You’ve given me some ideas to research.