Pogostemon Stellatus


Well-known Member
Tank of the Month
May 7, 2023
Reaction score
Any one know if this one is sensitive to higher micros or macros? I’m noticing some stunting with a recent increase of both.
Any one know if this one is sensitive to higher micros or macros? I’m noticing some stunting with a recent increase of both.
Mine seem to enjoy higher macros. The stems were asparagus thick when I was still on tap water and doing 75% water changes and front loading a big amount of macros. I’ll look up what I was adding. 26-10-30 comes to mind.

Since the change to RO/DI smaller water changes and lower macros it has gotten much thinner but no stunting.
Mine seem to enjoy higher macros. The stems were asparagus thick when I was still on tap water and doing 75% water changes and front loading a big amount of macros. I’ll look up what I was adding. 26-10-30 comes to mind.

Since the change to RO/DI smaller water changes and lower macros it has gotten much thinner but no stunting.
Hmm, wondering if my recent Ca Mg increase could be the issue.
Ive had kimberly and dassen stunt from low ferts but not high. Theyre not micro-sensitive plants and literally dislike low macros. In my tanks pogo varieties in general are a lot like hygrophila in that they do best with relatively high K levels. But I think you already have that, more or less. Specifically K equal to or higher than Ca
Ive had kimberly and dassen stunt from low ferts but not high. Theyre not micro-sensitive plants and literally dislike low macros. In my tanks pogo varieties in general are a lot like hygrophila in that they do best with relatively high K levels. But I think you already have that, more or less. Specifically K equal to or higher than Ca
Thank you. I may have changed too many things at once. Noob mistake. I’ll go back to what was working but keep your Macro strategy.