Hi Everyone,
I’m planning a huge re-scape in a couple of months, and need to pick some brains on the lighting / fertilizing techniques for a less intense tank than I’m running now.
I have a 125G (72”L x 18”W x 22”H) tank with 3x Chihiros RGB Vivid 2 lights. I’m planning on using either Landen Aquasoil or UNS Controsoil (not sure which yet), and am going to aquascape with a lot of big, dominant driftwood. I run pure 0 dKh RO water, remineralized to 24:8 - Ca:Mg, I front-load Macros and dose micros daily.
In the past, I always designed my tanks with a lot of rock, and have dabbled in both minimalist Iwagumi or colorful stems (or both, which was an abject failure). This time around, my plant list should look something like this:
A lot of Epiphytes like Fava Fern, Bolbitis, Buce, and Anubias
Vallisneria & Hygrophilia Pinnatifida in the background
Staurogyne Repens Foreground
Lower difficulty middleground plants like Hygrophilia Corymbosa Compact, Echinodorus Rainbow, AR mini, Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan, & Lobelia Cardinalis
Depending on space, I may throw a huge, hungry sword plant or a Madagascar Lace in one of the corners too. Not sure about that one yet =)
Any suggestions for a "Showpiece" plant that wouldn't be too demanding?
With a hardscape dominant tank and mostly easy growing plants, what would you target for your PAR output on lights?
As far as fertilizers, I’m in the full “Roll your Own” team. Would anyone be able to suggest a starting ppm I should shoot for per week for my NPK? On that same note, is there truth in the fact that these high CEC substrates suck PO4 from the water column, and it needs to be dosed really heavy at the start?
I’m sure I’m going to have a lot more questions soon enough, but this is an exciting time and I’m just trying to wrap my brain around a slower growing tank.
Thanks in advance!!
I’m planning a huge re-scape in a couple of months, and need to pick some brains on the lighting / fertilizing techniques for a less intense tank than I’m running now.
I have a 125G (72”L x 18”W x 22”H) tank with 3x Chihiros RGB Vivid 2 lights. I’m planning on using either Landen Aquasoil or UNS Controsoil (not sure which yet), and am going to aquascape with a lot of big, dominant driftwood. I run pure 0 dKh RO water, remineralized to 24:8 - Ca:Mg, I front-load Macros and dose micros daily.
In the past, I always designed my tanks with a lot of rock, and have dabbled in both minimalist Iwagumi or colorful stems (or both, which was an abject failure). This time around, my plant list should look something like this:
A lot of Epiphytes like Fava Fern, Bolbitis, Buce, and Anubias
Vallisneria & Hygrophilia Pinnatifida in the background
Staurogyne Repens Foreground
Lower difficulty middleground plants like Hygrophilia Corymbosa Compact, Echinodorus Rainbow, AR mini, Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan, & Lobelia Cardinalis
Depending on space, I may throw a huge, hungry sword plant or a Madagascar Lace in one of the corners too. Not sure about that one yet =)
Any suggestions for a "Showpiece" plant that wouldn't be too demanding?
With a hardscape dominant tank and mostly easy growing plants, what would you target for your PAR output on lights?
As far as fertilizers, I’m in the full “Roll your Own” team. Would anyone be able to suggest a starting ppm I should shoot for per week for my NPK? On that same note, is there truth in the fact that these high CEC substrates suck PO4 from the water column, and it needs to be dosed really heavy at the start?
I’m sure I’m going to have a lot more questions soon enough, but this is an exciting time and I’m just trying to wrap my brain around a slower growing tank.
Thanks in advance!!