I have been running a shrimp breeding tank to eventually supplement the Journal - 1000 Gallon High Tech Planted Tank The tank has a lot of fish and I want to have a large shrimp population in there so I figured I would make a separate breeding tank that I would eventually harvest from to add to the main display.
Now the question I have to more experienced shrimp keepers is at what population size were you able to regularly remove 25-50 shrimp weekly while maintaining a stable population? I'm sure it varies on a lot of factors but my math tells me I'd need to hit 800-900 shrimp for this. But I would like to hear from those with experience breeding large numbers of shrimp.
This is the shrimp breeding tank as of now, I'd estimate around 200 shrimps.
Now the question I have to more experienced shrimp keepers is at what population size were you able to regularly remove 25-50 shrimp weekly while maintaining a stable population? I'm sure it varies on a lot of factors but my math tells me I'd need to hit 800-900 shrimp for this. But I would like to hear from those with experience breeding large numbers of shrimp.
This is the shrimp breeding tank as of now, I'd estimate around 200 shrimps.