Neocaridina Shrimp Breeders

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Active Member
Jul 23, 2023
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I have been running a shrimp breeding tank to eventually supplement the Journal - 1000 Gallon High Tech Planted Tank The tank has a lot of fish and I want to have a large shrimp population in there so I figured I would make a separate breeding tank that I would eventually harvest from to add to the main display.

Now the question I have to more experienced shrimp keepers is at what population size were you able to regularly remove 25-50 shrimp weekly while maintaining a stable population? I'm sure it varies on a lot of factors but my math tells me I'd need to hit 800-900 shrimp for this. But I would like to hear from those with experience breeding large numbers of shrimp.

This is the shrimp breeding tank as of now, I'd estimate around 200 shrimps.
So I don't have an answer for you because as I've never bred shrimp. Perhaps someone with experience or some thoughts can chime in on that.

I do want to know more about what you're trying to do. I realize a 1000 gallon tank will hold a HUGE amount of shrimp. Are you just breeding them to be pets, be a clean up crew or sell some in the future?
I do want to know more about what you're trying to do. I realize a 1000 gallon tank will hold a HUGE amount of shrimp. Are you just breeding them to be pets, be a clean up crew or sell some in the future?
The shrimps are probably one of my favorite inhabitants of the tank, but with the current population of a few hundred you can only see 10 or so shrimp at a time. I think the population needs to be in the thousands for them to really have an impact in such a large tank. The guests also really like the shrimp as I often hear them pointing them out (they also like the snails lol). But they're usually missed.

With the large fish population it will take a while for the shrimps to naturally reach that high of a population. So I figured I would have a separate tank, a "shrimp factory" that I can pull 25-50 shrimp weekly to add to the main display. I would reach the desired population much faster and have an indefinite supply of shrimp to maintain the population. Though I imagine the shrimp population in the display should at the very least be self sustaining.
It's a good idea. I would think that the population in the large tank would also be spawning for you so that you would reach your goal quicker with two tanks going.