Some info about my tank. Its a standard size 135G 72x18x24.
Lighting is Chihiros WRGB 2 Pro. Duration is 10 hrs with a 2.5hr dusk and dawn meaning its only at the fullest setting intensity for 5 hrs.
Substrate. Well, I originally planned to put in BDBS when I was first setting up this tank, but a friend of mine decided to take a break and he gave me all his substrate. Its a mixture of Eco, Controsoil, Amazonia and Stratum. I didnt know any better back then but hey, it grows plants.
Filtration consist of a Fluval FX4 on the left side and a Sunsun 304B on the right. Both canisters has Seachem Matrix for bio, Various sponges and filter floss for mechanical and each has 2 bags of Purigen. I do regenerate my Purigen. Each canister is cleaned every 6 weeks. So every 3 weeks, I clean one of tge canisters
Also I have a Seachem Tidal 55. Its an HOB that I used when I had a smaller tank. Its primary function is to skim the surface. It also traps a lot of loose leaves floating on the surface.
I have a 20lb CO2 tank with a CO2Art regulator. My Sunsun feeds a Nilocg CO2 reactor.
Water changes is done every Saturday morning. 65G of RO water is used. Reminalized with CaSO4 and MgSO4 at 7.5 Ca and 2.5 Mg (total volume of tank)
Macro is dosed at 20:5:25 NPK. I front load half after a wc and the other half is dosed daily using an auto doser.
Micro is perhaps the least of thing i know involving this hobby. It confuses the heck out of me. Info on the net is all over the place. Anyway I just dose a total of .7 Fe weekly. My micro consist of 50% DTPA 11%, 25% CSMB and 25% Millers Microplex. Been dosing like that for awhile and havent notice any problems with this mixture.
It is a 0Kh tank. I do a 1.2-1.3 ph drop. I have a small wavemaker pump on each side of the tank on timers. It just agitates the surface every once in a while while CO2 is running.