You have 98 answers in about 10 minutes.
What's fascinating is that everyone from the newbie that is clueless to the seasoned veterans answer. Then they start fighting with each other. Then scrolling and keeping track of answers becomes crazy.
Most people give up and hope that the right answer was caught by the OP. It's a very transactional relationship very typical of social media. Not much depth possible in such fast paced information sharing.
I don't mean to knock it. It has its purpose and it's very clear that you don't expect or want more in-depth answers. I get it so I don't mean to sound like a grouchy old man.
My point is that while social media platforms like Facebook and Facebook Groups have their place. They make it very easy to share and stay at a very casual level. It is also important to preserve those platforms, like our ScapeCrunch, that curates quality information and allows for deeper relationships and discussions.
Used together is the best of both worlds.