Thank you. Sorry it took me a while to get back here.
I went on YouTube and looked at some videos. I appreciate your comments.
I have a few problems. My LFS doesn’t have any of the plants mentioned. Where do you guys get these plants?
I looked at CO2 equipment and it’s expensive! Can I start with another way?
I’m lost on fertilizer. My LFS has Seachem Flourish. Is this good to start?
Do I need special gravel? My LFS has something called Flourite.
Thanks everyone! I hope these aren’t stupid questions. I am trying to do more research.
Based on your post I would suggest you pause, take a deep breath, and really think about what you want out the hobby.
There are many types of planted tanks. From very simple, to very complicated.
At the easy end of the spectrum is a low light, low tech tank full of slow growing easy species. Think crypts, anubias, swords, etc. These all require very little light and very little in the way of fertilizers. CO2 is helpful but not required.
At the high end is a high light tank full of fast growing flowery colorful stems. This type of tank requires a lot more effort and dedication and is more expensive in every way. If this is your goal then you would definitely want CO2.
Have you seen tanks that you would like to emulate? If so find out as much as you can about them and study their methods. Reach out and ask questions.
And in general study up on the hobby. You want to understand what macro and micro fertilizers are. You want to understand how different light levels are appropriate for different types of tanks. You want to understand the difference between inert and active substrates.
The more effort you put in before you get started the greater are your odds of success. And they type of tank you want to keep should drive every single decision you make. If you narrow that down many here will be able to help you with the details.
As a way to get started here is good site to learn some of the basics and the terminology that is used in the hobby.
The ultimate guide to mastering the freshwater planted tank. Grow anything, defeat algae and create amazing aquascapes like a pro.