In order to help you it would be helpful to know more about the tank and how you manage it.
Lighting? CO2? Fertilization? Types of plants you are growing? Maintenance/water changes? Substrate? Age of tank? Since you mentioned "brown" algae I am guessing it's a newer tank?
And pics are worth a thousand words. A full tank shot always helps too.
Just saying it's best to take a holistic approach to the entire tank. Makes helping much easier and meaningful.
Thanks, yes…set up details!
My first planted tank.
- set up 7 months ago
- 6 by 2 by 2 foot, plus sump (designed for marine) - total capacity around 920L, but less accounting for substrate wood, medium…
- peninsula style, which means a struggle re circulation…
- LED panel appropriate for planted tank - currently set on 60% for 7 hrs
- CO2 reactor in sump - drop checker for monitoring (have a pH controller, but haven’t set it up yet - not sure how to use it yet!) - starts 2 hrs before lights, but need to dial it back in after changing cylinders…
- substrate - MasterSoil in medium bags, capped with sand (MD Tanks style)
- fertiliser LCA All-in-one - 2 - 3 times/week
- water changes 75% weekly to 10 days
- stocking - one BN, 1 mature SAE, 6 cories, 9 columbian tetras, lots of various shrimps…. Eventually I would like apistos and Bolivian rams +/- some larger cichlids Eg. Acara…
- plants - Overall plan was to have a “jungle” vibe (epiphytes, crypts, swords, lotus, eventually buce) - never keen on stems for final “scape” but put in beautiful stems as had read that was advisable at the start.
Started off with densely planted - loads of easy to grow stems, Christmas moss, Java ferns (broad leaf, needle leaf, windelov, trident etc), bolbitus, H pinnatifida, and various Anubias….everything seemed to be going well.
….every pre-water change testing since cycled has been 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and approx 20 nitrate.
…..then GSA appeared (now sorted), BBA appeared, then Cyanobacteria, and then dreaded hair algae, and the thriving pinnatifida developed holes and died!
To fix these, I added a gyro to improve flow, and increased ferts as that was consistent advice, but algae if every variety has persisted….the worst being HAIR ALGAE!
….unfortunately over holidays CO2 ran out, so none was running for more than a month! Now up and running, but not optimally.
….flow is a real problem, as driftwood and ferns +++++ obstruct flow to outflow
….dead spot due to ferns etc…
….pouring in a lot of ferts ($$$ given side of the tank) as per advice to meet stem needs
After posting, I did a major clean out, removing as much algae (and therefore moss) as I could see, trimmed ferns obstructing outflow, and pulled nearly all the stems!!! (Hoping to put them in my smaller low (?soon to be high) tech tank.
….I’ve got a feeling the consensus will be that pulling the stems was the wrong thing to do!…
….(my motivation was I felt like I was pouring in crazy amounts of ferts to maintain plants that I hadn’t actually wanted in my final set-up, and didn’t have time to keep trimming etc…, and they were looking dreadful, creating loads of organic matter which ended up in the sump!)