I’ve read Sudipta's post on his non-CO2 high light aquasoil low pH tanks. I’ve came across Marcel G’s experiment on Rotala wallichii he reported that low pH was a success factor, even in non CO2 injected conditions.
They are similar reports. And got me very interested… Could I do this as well? I am switching a 40 liter tank to a setup similar as Sudipta’s tanks. But I thought, does these type of plants need any tech at all?
So for the fun of it, I set up a 4 liter vase. Added ADA Amazonia V2, topped it with gravel from my display tank. Added RO with a DYI macro mix with KH=0, pH below 6. Ordered myself some ‘picky’ plants:
I added daily some (unnecessary?) micros. Just before my holiday I've injected some laterite in the soil.
And after 7 weeks on the 10th of August it looked like this :
I admit it's is not as big and colorful as in the high tech tanks, but is actually growing healthy and definitely not stunting or melting.
During this period the pH was 5,5 +/- 0,5, conductivity around 200-250 uS/cm.
Today I had to trim the overcrowding R. wallichii and emersed B. salzmannii.
The experiment is not done yet, so I've created a journal for it.
Hopefully it's informative for you all.
They are similar reports. And got me very interested… Could I do this as well? I am switching a 40 liter tank to a setup similar as Sudipta’s tanks. But I thought, does these type of plants need any tech at all?
So for the fun of it, I set up a 4 liter vase. Added ADA Amazonia V2, topped it with gravel from my display tank. Added RO with a DYI macro mix with KH=0, pH below 6. Ordered myself some ‘picky’ plants:
- Ammannia pedicellata 'Gold'
- Bacopa salzmannii 'Purple'
- Rotala wallichii
- Tonina fluviatilis
I added daily some (unnecessary?) micros. Just before my holiday I've injected some laterite in the soil.
And after 7 weeks on the 10th of August it looked like this :
I admit it's is not as big and colorful as in the high tech tanks, but is actually growing healthy and definitely not stunting or melting.
During this period the pH was 5,5 +/- 0,5, conductivity around 200-250 uS/cm.
Today I had to trim the overcrowding R. wallichii and emersed B. salzmannii.
The experiment is not done yet, so I've created a journal for it.
Hopefully it's informative for you all.
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