My new scape : Hillside Garden 2023
This tank is no hardscape, use planted techniques to create the layout.
It’s not a traditional Dutch style !
Tank details:
Tank size : 150-60-50 cm Volume 450L
Lighting : Chihiros WRGB 1st edition 120 - 1 set , 11 hours per day (100% all colors setting)
Filtration Canister : Crazy Stone CS-1400 1 set with Crazy stone small glass ring media
Substrate : Crazy Stone Amazon Soil, Raw Base and Ferka Aquabase
CO2 : Pressurized CO2 5 bubbles per second 11 hours per day
Temperature : control 25c by Hailea 60A
Algae control : Chihiros Doctor , Biological Strong
Maintenance : Water change 40% Weekly
Bacteria : Biological Purification
Hormones : TARA Bio-Stimulants, Biological Growth and Biological Brightening
Fertilizers : TARA Fertilizers A & B,TARA Bio-Stimulants, TARA Fe and trace elements
Plants list :
1.Bryxza japonica
2.Bacopa colorata sp. pink
3. Rotala Tulunadensis
4.Ludwigia pilosa
5. Ludwigia glandulosa
6.Lobelia cardinalis Dwarf
7. Alternanthera reineckii "rosanervig"
8. Samolus parviflorus “red”
9.Limnophila aromatica sp. “mini green”
10.Myriophyllum sp. Guyana
11.Pogostemon erectus
12.Bucephalandra sp. metallica
13.Cryptocoryne flamingo
14.Cryptocoryne brown
15.lagenandra meeboldii bleeding heart
16.Ludwigia mini super red
17.Bacopa compact white
18.Hemianthus Micranthemoides (Pearl Weed)
19.Hydrocotyle tripartita
20.Heteranthera zosterifolia
21.Micranthemum Monte Carlo New Large Pearl Grass
22.Riccardia chamedryfolia
23.Mini Pearl Moss (Blepharostoma Trichophyllum)
For this layout I want to improve it better, but I have no ideas, please give me some suggestions! Thank you