It was suggested in the Dutch Style aquascaping thread, that the Dutch-inspired or garden style aquascape is sufficiently different that it does deserve its own category in aquascaping contests. It doesn't really fit into any other contests that are out there, as far as I'm aware.
It was also suggested that maybe we, the ScapeCrunch family, should consider doing an annual contest to promote this style of aquascaping that is gaining popularity very fast!. In my opinion, it is really the only one that can compete with the colors of reef aquariums.
Our mission is to make ScapeCrunch valuable and entertaining for you. If we collectively like the idea of an annual contest to promote the beauty and popularity of this style, I'm happy to support it.
But, before going there, as was mentioned in the other thread, you need judging criteria. Please see the judging criteria for the IAPLC contest. While we certainly don't need to get so formal about it, after all this is just for fun. What criteria would you say would work to compare the entries?
It was also suggested that maybe we, the ScapeCrunch family, should consider doing an annual contest to promote this style of aquascaping that is gaining popularity very fast!. In my opinion, it is really the only one that can compete with the colors of reef aquariums.
Our mission is to make ScapeCrunch valuable and entertaining for you. If we collectively like the idea of an annual contest to promote the beauty and popularity of this style, I'm happy to support it.
But, before going there, as was mentioned in the other thread, you need judging criteria. Please see the judging criteria for the IAPLC contest. While we certainly don't need to get so formal about it, after all this is just for fun. What criteria would you say would work to compare the entries?