I may not be in the majority today, but I now prefer to purchased plants grown emersed. Here's why.
Submersed plants get to me VERY beat up. In the US, we normally don't have the luxury of buying plants from a local store that has them submersed. Shipping is almost always required and submersed grown plants simply don't do well.
Tissue culture plants arrive (usually) without roots and slathered in agar. They are very sensitive at this early stage. If growers took the time to grown them out from phase 1 into phase 2 and sold the intermediate plants, then TC would be hands down the best.
Emersed plants can be grown to a point where it's a mature plant. It ships much better. Usually, algae isn't an issue as the plant is emersed. Yes, it requires a physical change to submersed form in your aquarium. However, this will also happen for most submersed plants too as no two aquariums are the same. The conversion, as long as you have a healthy plant, will happen just fine if you remove the dropped leaves. This is also easier to do, IMHO, than growing out TC plants to maturity.
What do you think?