Eighth Place - The Nature

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Staff member
Founding Member
Oct 29, 2022
Reaction score
Entry 7.jpg
Image copyright © Daniele Ponzio

Artist: Daniele Ponzio
Location: Italy

Volume (liters) 120

Length x Width x Height (cm) 100x30x40

Plants Sfondo: Myriophyllum red steam, rotala enie,cabomba furcata,myriophyllum sp roraima,myriophyllum pinnatum,myriophyllum tuberculatum,
Centro: rotala sayadrica,rotala mini type 4,Eriocaulon cinereum,Eriocaulon sp. Goias,Eriocaulon parkery,rotala sp.sunset aka ramosior,proserpinaca palustris,tonina fluviatilis,limnophila sp belem,rotala bonsai,Nasaea Crassicaulis,persicaria San paulo,rotala narrow leaf,ludwigia inclinata var.vertic.pantanal,bacopa salzmannii purple,ludwigia ovalis pink,rotala sp Singapore,myriophyllum white,ludwigia inclinata var.vertic. meta
Avanti: syngonanthus macrocaulon,nasea golden

Fish No

Additional info Illuminazione:1 twinstar III 900S + chihiros wrgb 90
Co2: ricaricabile
Filtri: 2 oase biomaster 350
Substrato: ada più power advance
Fertilizzazione: apt e.i.
Sali rimineralizzanti: apt gh
Biostimolanti: dennerle enzymes, ada green gain plus, seachem advance, apt fix
Biocondizionatore: apt
Ph: 5.5
Gh 7

Judges comments​

Gregg Zydeck
Lots of nice healthy looking plants but needs more attention to plant placement. Too many reds/oranges/pinks bunched together. Makes it a bit of a jungle and there is no clear separation of plant groupings. Could use more green to help make other colors pop. The main focal point is the mix of the colored plants in the center of the tank which does not work. The groupings are so lumped together that they all get lost. Lot’s of great plants to work with here just but needs some refinement and restraint.

Joe Harvey
This is a pretty tank and the plants all look happy. As far as the scape goes there are too many similar colors next to each other. It would benefit from a few more green species in the mix. Thicker groups that are better defined, and some contrast in height between the stems across the back. It also lacks a strong focal point. Google 'rule of thirds' or 'golden ratio' to learn more about creating a good focal point.

Marian Sterian
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Dennis Wong
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Vin Kutty
An overdose of reds and oranges. Somehow the selection of plants makes this 3-foot tank feel like it is 2 feet long. It's so easy to remove the equipment for photography - please do so!

Suggestions: when working with a small tank, it is critical to use smaller leaved plants to make the tank appear larger than it is. remove all equipment.