Tank of the Month December 2022 Tank of the Month - The Garden by Chaettha Sae-Teaw

Photo-01-The Garden-Full Tank-Front-01 copy.jpg

Tank Title name : The Garden


Hi – my name is Cheattha Sae-Teaw and I go by Anthony Zhang in English. I'm Thai-Chinese, born in Phuket, Thailand.

I worked in China for 25 years. Now, I’m living in my home town, Phuket island, which is the world's finest beach destination. I love to travel around the world and am fascinated with nature, culture, art and music. I have many hobbies such as collecting paintings, art work, gemstones, jade carvings and, of course, my favorite hobby is aquatic plant tanks.

Anthony Zhang-01.jpg

System Profile

  • Display tank : Azoo 450 L (150 x 60 x50 cm) (119 US gallons)
  • Glass or acrylic : Acrylic
  • Stand : Azoo cabinet aquarium stand set
  • Sump? None
  • Filter : Canister : Crazy Stone CS-1400 1 set (1400 L/Hour) (370 US gal/Hour)
  • CO2 : Pressurized CO2 with Chihiros regulator and diffuser
  • Water circulation : SUNSUN Aquarium surface skimmer SKU074 (3W) - 300L/hour (80 US gal/hour) and SONIC AP-600 (4W)-350L/hour (92 US gal/hour)
  • Lighting : Chihiros WRGB I (120 cm 1 set).
  • Dosing :
    • Fertilizers : Daily dosing Ferka Balance-N, Ferka Balance-K, Ferka Aquatilizers and TARA Ferric+
    • Hormones and Bacterial : Weekly dosing TARA Biostimulants, Biological Growth, Biological Brightening, Biological Magical
  • Auto top off : None
  • Heating/cooling : Chiller Heilea 90A setting at 25C (77F)
  • System control : None

Water circulation and flow summary and objectives

SUNSUN Aquarium surface skimmer SKU074 (3W) - 300L/hour on the middle of right side with left direction same direction with Crazy Stone CS-1400 water Filter, and SONIC AP-600 (4W)-350L/hour on the left side back top corner with forward direction to circulated the water and spread out the CO2 bubbles

Photo-02-The Garden-Full Tank-Front.jpg

Water parameters

  • Temp : 25C (77F)
  • pH : Not measuring
  • NO3 : Not measuring
  • PO4 : Not measuring
  • Fe : Not measuring
  • Tap or RO/RODI : Natural well water
  • Do you remineralize? : None

What do you dose your tank and how? Fertilizer objectives

- Daily dosing Ferka Balance-N to put the Nitrogen to perform the superior condition for aquatic plants and prevent the leaves from nitrogen deficiency.

- Daily dosing Ferka Balance-K to put the Potassium to perform the superior condition for aquatic plants and prevent the leaves from withering due to potassium deficiencies.

- Daily dosing Ferka Aquatilizers to put the Magnesium, Sulpher and trace elements to promote aquatic plants to flourish and remain healthy.

and Daily dosing TARA Ferric+ to put the Ferric chelate to support the development of rich and vibrant plants coloration

- Weekly dosing TARA Biostimulants to put the plants Hormones (Auxin, Cytokinin organic potassium, etc.) to speed up the plant’s metabolism, vigorous growth and accelerates the symbiotic between substrate soil microorganism and plants

- Weekly dosing Biological Growth to put the Amino acid polypeptides, vitamins, minerals, active plant Auxin compound and probiotic to decomposed the organic matter, hydrogen sulfide and promote the root growth

- Weekly dosing Biological Brightening to put the Amino acid polypeptides, Trace elements, vitamins, minerals, active plant Auxin compound and probiotic to decomposed the organic matter, promote healthy stem and leaves and promote the plants color

- Weekly dosing Biological Magical to put the live bacteria, pathogenic solitary bacteria, essential photosynthetic bacteria for water environment improvement

- Adding by used the product dispenser pump bottle and measuring and pouring with volume measuring cup

Note : Ferka and TARA is a brand of Best quality aquarium product from Thailand, and Biological is one of most famous aquarium product brand from China

Photo-10-The Garden--Right conner-Formal garden.jpg


Crazy Stone Amazon Soil + Raw Base (The substrate have been used 3+years old )

Note : Crazy Stone is a famous aquarium product brand from China and Raw Base is a popular aquarium product from Thailand

Photo-05-The Garden-Full Tank-room.jpg

Aquascaping style objective?

For this Tank the aquascaping style I named it 'The Garden' and this tank layout is divided the main garden into 3 areas :

- The First part of garden is 'The formal' which inspired by formal garden in the Palace of Versailles. This part is on the middle-right side of tank and it's the most difficult to maintain, the green lines, shapes and patterns of Pearl Weed (Hermianthus micranthemoides) need to trimmed every 3 days to maintain the shape

- The Second part of garden is 'The Keukenhof' which inspired by the Keukenhof garden in Netherland, this part garden located on the middle-left side of tank that I intended to make the garden look beautiful and colorful both from top view and front view, by the technique of Classic Dutch style I make the street of plants with contrast of colors and textures

- The Third part of garden is 'The Tropical' it's on the left side, right side and whole back tank with tropical garden style that including the different sizes, shapes, colors and textures of aquatic plants to perform the natural look as tropical forest

Photo-06-The Garden-Street.jpg

Lighting summary and objectives

Chihiros WRGB I (120 cm 1 set). lighting 11 hours per day (6.30 - 17.30) with Full mode (100% in all colors), 30 min ramp up and down

Filtration objectives

Water circulation and filtering out some organic waste and decomposed

Photo-07-The Garden-Top view.jpg

Maintenance routine and export strategy

1. Daily : clean up the surface skimmer, sieving out the falling and floating leaves, adding fertilizers and feeding fish

2. Weekly : trimming some plants, clean up the tank wall, change the water 30-40% offand adding plants hormones and bacteria

3. Monthly : trimming and replanted some plants, and giving root fertilizer tablets for Cryptocoryne and Nymphaea plants

4. Quarterly : remove and replanted the carpet plants, or re-scaping the layout

Tank inhabitants - fish

1. Phenacogrammus interruptus 'Congo Tetra"

2. Melanotaenia boesemani 'Boeseman's rainbow fish'

3. Trichopodus leerii 'Pearl gourami' short body

4. Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi 'Black neon tetra'

5. Hemigrammus rodwayi 'Gold tetra'

6. Aphyocharax rathbuni 'Green fire tetra'

7. Xiphophorus macalatus 'Golden moon platy'

8. Macrotocinclus affinis 'Drawf sucking fish'

9. Carinotetraodon travancoricus 'Dwarf puffer fish'

Photo-14-Boesemani Rainbow fish.jpgPhoto-15-Congo Tetra Fish.jpg
Photo-16-Congo Tetra Fish.jpgPhoto-17-Pearl gourami fish-short body.jpg

Tank inhabitants - inverts

Neocaridina denticulata

Tank inhabitants - plants

1. Bacopa colorata

2. Lobelia cardinalis ‘Drawf’

3. Ludwegia sphaerocarpa ‘pilosa’

4. Cabomba Furcata ‘piauhyensis’

5. Lidwegia sp. Mini super red

6. Pogostemon erectus

7.Rotala macrandra green

8. Eriocaulon Vietnam

9. Rotala colorata

10. Myriophyllum sp. Guyana

11. Cyperus helferi

12. Hermianthus micranthemoides ‘Pearl Weed'

13. Heteranthera zosterifolia ‘Stargrass’

14. Limnophila hippuridoides

15.Alteranthera Reineckii ‘Rosanervig’

16.Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Flamingo’

17. Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mini brown’

18 .Hyptis lorentziana

19. Blyxa japonica

20. Micranthemum tweediei “Monte Carlo”

21. Juncus repens

22. Bucephalandra sp. ‘Metallica’

23. Nymphaea oxypetala

Photo-10-The Garden--Right conner-Formal garden.jpg

How did you decide what to keep in your tank?

I selected aquatic plants and animals based on their natural compatibility that will survive and be healthy in my tank’s conditions. And design the plant's layout based on their unique characteristics.

Any stocking regrets?


What do you love most about this hobby?

Feeling focus and concentrated when I do the tank maintenance, and feeling happy, relaxed and peaceful when watching the tank

What’s your dream tank?

In this Present : Dutch aqauscaping layout with colorful and healthy aquatic plants

In the Future : My own style aquacaping layout that is unique, stands out and is recognizable and styled in 360L Ultraclear glass tank, steel loft cabinet stand with Chihiros WRGB Pro Light

What was your biggest challenge with this tank and how did you get past it?

The big challenge is the formal garden maintenance which requires concentration and skill in trimming so I meditate before trimming

Photo-11-The Garden--Bacopa colorata.jpg

What is the most valuable piece of equipment for this tank?

Light and Chiller equipments

Any future plans for this tank?

January 2023 change new substrate and The Classic Dutch style will be the first layout of this new setup tank for learning the traditional rules of real Dutch style, and the second layout will transform it to Modern Dutch style or colorful Formal garden tank

Photo-12The Garden--Ludwegia Pilosa.jpg

Any special tips for success or advice you’d like to share with other hobbyists?

-Plant Hormones are my secret items to enrichment the aquatic plants health

-Bacteria are important factors in the existence and balance of biological system in planted aquarium, find the right bacteria product for your tank and used it now

-Fertilizer is a basic factors that needs to be understood to used in right proportions, learn to use it properly

-Observe and learn the possibilities of nature in ecosystem of your tank, it's a key to success

Photo-18-Plants Hormones.jpg

Any closing thoughts or comments?

I hope my tank will give you some useful information

Finally, thank you and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Photo-04-The Garden-Full Tank-Left.jpg
Photo-09-The Garden-Street.jpg


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Nicely done!

Yes someone else with low flow and in-tank diffusers LOL. Nothing wrong with higher turnover to remove physical waste if you have bigger fish, but generally in-tank filtration is the bulk of it between substrate and plants. Co2 is easily dispersed via in-tank.
This is an amazing tank and very much deserves to be the December tank of the month! Most surprising to me are the low flow rate, the use of an in-tank diffuser, and the 11 hour photo period. Also very impressive considering the age of the substrate.
Thank you :)
Nicely done!

Yes someone else with low flow and in-tank diffusers LOL. Nothing wrong with higher turnover to remove physical waste if you have bigger fish, but generally in-tank filtration is the bulk of it between substrate and plants. Co2 is easily dispersed via in-tank.
Thank you :)
So I will poke the bear and ask the question I thought someone would have brought up.

@Cheattha Sae-Teaw I see you are using plant hormones and, in fact, you feel it's your secret weapon. Can you tell us what made you consider adding these to the aquarium and what difference you feel they have made?

I don't see many, if any, tanks in the USA using them.
So I will poke the bear and ask the question I thought someone would have brought up.

@Cheattha Sae-Teaw I see you are using plant hormones and, in fact, you feel it's your secret weapon. Can you tell us what made you consider adding these to the aquarium and what difference you feel they have made?

I don't see many, if any, tanks in the USA using them.
Oh yes I was going to bring that up too but I haven't had time. I would very much like to know more about the plant hormones. Not only what they are, but if he has run any experiments with and without them.

The other obvious question is what ppm those fertilizers are providing? I tried to look them up but couldn't find much information. Would be curious as to the weekly NO3:PO4:K and Fe amounts. I would also be curious as to the dKH & dKH of the well water.

And great interview! I really enjoyed it as I have been curious about this tank for some time now. It was great to learn more about the person behind it.
Your tanks beautiful, and I'm going w Art on this one: can you tell us everything about your interesting dosing?

I don't know anyone stateside that doses growth hormones, peptides, etc so that's super interesting and new for me.

Also, I know it's not the same tank, but huge congratulations for taking 1st place in Dutch category this year bro what an accomplishment 💪💪
So I will poke the bear and ask the question I thought someone would have brought up.

@Cheattha Sae-Teaw I see you are using plant hormones and, in fact, you feel it's your secret weapon. Can you tell us what made you consider adding these to the aquarium and what difference you feel they have made?

I don't see many, if any, tanks in the USA using them.
The plants hormones that I used It’s extracted from Brown seaweed and many kinds of aquatic plants. It contains active potassium (K), Auxin, cytokinin and others plant hormones, alginic acid, polysaccharide, and essential amino acids
This hormone promote the plants growth and health :
-The carpet plants growing fast
-Stem plants give many new bud after trimming and fast growing
-Stem plants dense and lush with strong and colorful leaves
-Bucephalandra and Anubias grow fast with more flowering and shining leaves
-Plants root in good health
-Moss, liverwort look fresh, bright green and dense


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So I don't want to take any of the thunder from @Cheattha Sae-Teaw's response. Please know that he is on holiday and was kind enough to sign off for a few minutes to answer. I'm sure he will answer further when he returns.

In the meantime, here's what I know about phytohormones with aquatic plants. There seems to be little research with aquatic plants but they are well known and used in terrestrial horticulture. Here is a good article on aquatic plant hormones.

You may also be interested to know that Aqua Design Amano has been using hormones for many years. Their Green Gain is something I used extensively and, anecdotally, it seemed to really help plants recover after trimming. Now they have Green Gain Plus that adds boron. "This supplement contains mainly phytohormones extracted from sea weed, trace elements and amino acids. Especially due to the included Boron new buds grow faster."

More recently, and under my nose because @Cheattha Sae-Teaw was the one that brought this to my attention, our USA firm Seachem has added hormones to Flourish with their Flourish Advance. Here's what they say on their site:

"Flourish Advance™ is an all-natural, biologic growth enhancer for aquatic plants. Its advanced formula contains phytohormones, minerals, and nutrients that dramatically stimulate the growth of both roots and shoots in aquatic plants. Phytohormones are a group of naturally occurring compounds that play crucial roles in regulating plant growth in a wide range of developmental processes, including cell division, formation and activity of shoot meristems, induction of photosynthesis gene expression, leaf senescence, nutrient mobilization, seed germination, root growth and stress response. Used regularly, it also enhances mineral absorption and improves disease resistance. It is non-toxic and completely safe for all plant varieties as well as for fish and aquatic organisms.

During the first ten to fourteen days after application, Flourish Advance™ works to stimulate root growth beneath the surface. After this initial induction period, significantly enhanced growth in the leaves and stems of the plants will occur."

This is an interesting topic that I researched a while back. I think I'll post my findings in a separate thread.
Your tanks beautiful, and I'm going w Art on this one: can you tell us everything about your interesting dosing?

I don't know anyone stateside that doses growth hormones, peptides, etc so that's super interesting and new for me.

Also, I know it's not the same tank, but huge congratulations for taking 1st place in Dutch category this year bro what an accomplishment 💪💪
Thank you
I have only 1 tank (450L) and I created 4 different layout in 2022 included AGA contest Dutch categories “Conservatory garden “


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Thanks @P.Isley! The instructions seem to be very similar to Green Gain that I used for many years. I will need to take a look at the specific hormones being used to try and understand each of them a little better.

So, I assume you use Seachem Advance with your tanks? It's working as intended?
OP, can you share a link to where I can purchase the different stimulants that you use, and your dosing instructions? I’m curious enough to try this that I may be a believer…
OP, can you share a link to where I can purchase the different stimulants that you use, and your dosing instructions? I’m curious enough to try this that I may be a believer…
Pretty sure they’re only available in Thailand. Seachem has something that is similar though I believe if you want to try them. Seachem - Flourish Advance