Crypt Wendtii “Sindoor”

Just an update, the Sindoor melted away pretty quickly and not sure why. I have a feeling it’s going to be a difficult plant to get going as it was lab created and not s natural strain of Wendtii. I’ll try it again in the future because I like the color a lot.
I’m going to contact BP and see if they themselves or anyone who has grown it had success with it yet.
Have you seen what it looks like converted? I cant find a single pic of it
Have you seen what it looks like converted? I cant find a single pic of it
I have not, I’ve tried myself. From what I’ve read it’s a new lab created varietal so that could explain its sensitivity.
I wonder how it would do getting established first as emergent growth then take a nice healthy plantlet off of it and try to convert it. Really just spit balling here.
I think its brand new too which would also explain the scarcity of converted pics. But it seems like at least the developer should have pics. And of course they do

I'll go out on a limb and say it doesnt keep the pink color. Its prettier in the tc cup than it is converted
Some of our members purchased it and it basically had no root systems. With the TC plants, if I don't see a good root system, I will get them healthy emersed before I try and transition them submersed. It has worked great for me and as long as the plant establishes itself emersed first, then the plants do great when I plant them into my aquascapes
Some of our members purchased it and it basically had no root systems. With the TC plants, if I don't see a good root system, I will get them healthy emersed before I try and transition them submersed. It has worked great for me and as long as the plant establishes itself emersed first, then the plants do great when I plant them into my aquascapes
Did any of them succeed with it?
Good to hear, my flamingo ended up melting eventually too. However, I recently acquired an established plant from GLA for $7 a pot. With their shipping cost it’s up to usual prices but before shipping it was one of the best options price wise.