I havent gotten any better at writing the first post of a journal
Ill just go with a FTS taken the other day
The tank is still recovering from a pretty drawn out moving process, so its having "some" instability while it re-matures.
Many of the plants took a big hit. I lost some species, and the others are still getting back on their feet and used to the new water source.
It has been pretty gnarly.
First a thick pea soup green water stage where you couldnt see more than a centimeter or two into the water column (thats about half an inch in freedom units).
After that a pretty hefty round of various other algae types and cyanobacteria..
Some of the classic blue-green, some suspiciously vibrant green slime algae, some blackish cyanobacteria-like stuff, some very fuzzy green fluff and also BBA too just to top it all off Several of these algae types ive hardly had before, so at least I get to challenge myself with something new..?
The tank still has a way to go, especially with some of the plants condition, but at this point I can at least share a picture without entirely too much embarrassment
Some brief tank details:
250 liters / ~66 us gal. (although water volume closer to 215-220 L)
Lights: Two Fluval 3.0 currently at 100%
Equipment: Will sort some more thorough details later
Substrate: Plain sand
CO2: Yes. PH monitor not up and running, so been keeping things in roughly the right area by feel, aiming for a fairly yellow lime green.
Ferts: DIY, both macros and micros. Details to come
Livestock: Still living in a plastic tub across the room
Plants labeled in the picture:
Ammannia pedicellata 'Golden'
Anubias barteri var. nana 'Mini Coin'
Bacopa australis
Bacopa caroliniana "Colorata"
Bacopa madagascariensis
Bacopa salzmannii "Purple"
Blyxa japonica
Bolbitis heteroclita var. cuspidata
Bolbitis heudelotii
Bucephalandra sp. "Brownie Ghost 2011-2012"
Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis "Purpurea Dennerle"
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne sp. (Amicorum Aquafleur)
Cryptocoryne spiralis "Cook's Form" ("Cooksche Form")
Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Red'
Cryptocoryne spiralis (Aquafleur)
Cryptocoryne x willisii "lucens"
Cryptocoryne x willisii "nevillii"
Eriocaulon sp. "Japan Needle Leaf"
Hemianthus glomeratus
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Hydrocotyle tripartita "Mini"
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Hymenasplenium obscurum
Limnophila aromatica cf. Green/Wavy
Limnophila rugosa
Lobelia cardinalis 'Mini'
Ludwigia glandulosa
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Cuba'
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Meta'
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Pantanal'
Ludwigia palustris "Green"
Ludwigia polycarpa
Ludwigia sp. 'Marilia'
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa
Lysimachia nummularia (green)
Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'
Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana'
Pogostemon helferi
Pteridophyta sp. "Niah"
Rotala macrandra "Mini Type 4"
Rotala rotundifolia "Blood Red Singapore"
Rotala rotundifolia 'H’ra'
Rotala rotundifolia 'Orange Juice'
Rotala rotundifolia Pink(Green)
Sagittaria subulata
Schismatoglottis prietoi
Tonina fluviatilis
Vallisneria asiatica
Not labeled or very visible in photo:
Bucephalandra Moss
Bucephalandra sp. "Blue Green"
Bucephalandra sp. "Pearl Grey"
Bucephalandra sp. "Silver Grey"
Callicostella prabaktiana
Crepidomanes sp. "Javanicus"
Crepidomanes sp. "Vietnam II"
Crepidomanes sp. "Vietnam III"
Cryptocoryne "Queen Vandom"
Cryptocoryne striolata "Mini"
Cryptocoryne yujii
Didymoglossum sp. "Buea Goliath"
Fissidens fontanus "Phoenix Moss"
Fissidens sp. "Mallorca"
Fissidens sp. "Miroshaki"
Hookeriaceae sp. "Rare/Hooker Moss"
Hydropogonella gymnostoma "Queen Moss"
Hygrophila pinnatifida "Uttara Kannada"
Lomariopsis cf. lineata "Susswassertang"
Plagiochilaceae sp. "Cameroon Moss"
Riccardia sp. "graeffei"
Vesicularia sp. "Mini Christmas Moss"
Vesicularia sp. "Tortoise"
Looking forward to getting to know peeps here on Scapecrunch as well as catch up with old buddies