@FrankZ, perhaps we should share our research and experiences here for future reference.
It seems like water parameters and stability are super important for Caridina shrimp, but I find some of the numbers to be all over the place with fairly wide ranges. I found a local breeder of many varieties of Caridina shrimp so I am going to follow his advice on things that I am questioning.
So far:
- leave kH at zero, raise gh to 8ppm using a shrimp specific gH booster. I’ve ordered some APT Sky from 24hr Aquarist (via Amazon) for this.
- My tap water has 5ppm of phosphate which is too high for these shrimp to thrive in. Closer to zero is better, so I am going to install an RO unit for water changes and drinking water, as well.
-Leave the heater off, consider fan cooling or ice water bottles in summer if temps get over 70-72F.
- Use an active soil - I have spare ADA aquasoil in the tank right now as it is cycling.
- Don’t add shrimp until well established with plants and biofilm thriving.
My dealer sells a bunch of stuff, additives, mineral balls, etc. which, depending on where you read are either snake oil junk or highly beneficial! I like stuff like this, though, so I bought a variety pack of the Ebi-Ken line:
That’s where I’m at so far. The tank is set up with filter, water, hardscape and substrate (which is producing ammonia) and cycling for two weeks now. I will replace all the water with remineralized RO when I get that set up. I have plants on order. I’m not thinking of shrimp, probably until maybe April or so.
My build thread which I will update shortly:
10g Metaframe “Shrimp Playground”