Help Bubble Counter Fluid


Community Member
Nov 1, 2022
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North Carolina USA
I know this has been discussed previously but for some reason searches for "bubble counter fluid" aren't producing anything.
Could anyone either answer this or point me to the correct thread? I am blowing through water in my bubble counters, and I want to use something that won't evaporate so quickly. I'm interested in the general consensus on what is best.
I spoke to Dennis Wong and he cryptically told me they use some sort of glycerin product but he won't divulge the exact fluid.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Mineral oil works too. But careful if you have an older jbl-style brass bubble counter because anything but water will screw it up
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I switched to mineral oil a while ago and haven’t looked back. It’s much higher viscosity than water so it’s easier to gauge injection rate by watching bubbles while you’re dialing it in. It also doesn’t evaporate. I do notice that the higher viscosity does allow it to seep into the co2 hose easier if you have the counter filled too much so there’s a happy medium that seems to be about 2/3rd full.