Brass Regulator

I recently saw bettatail has one up for sale, old old skool custom regulator builder from back in the day. I've bought from him in the past, has always been responsive
He custom made a brass connection for me so I could use my Swagelok needle valve on my setup, awesome asset to the hobby.
Thank you all!

That’s an excellent price for the one linked!
That’s an excellent price

Oops my bad 😬😬 the description says the price is for the post-body only, not the regulator 🤦

Easy to reach him through eBay tho if you want him to build you a custom.
Is there a reason a brass regulator would be a bad decision to get?
When planning to use your reactor in overflow mode, as you do, because you can just go for a simple regulator and save yourself some cash out. The reactor will bring you the stability, even when the regulator is not top notch.
But ... I admit I also like quality tools even if I don't really need it, and may be guilty of buying a nice regulator at some point :unsure:
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