Technical specs:
If you are interested in any of the below plants, DM me and I will let you know when I can trim any of the species you are interested in. I am generally always willing to sell/trade plants.
- Tank: Waterbox Frag 105.4 (48"L x 24"W x 16"H)
- Filtration: Sump included with tank
- Lighting: 2x BuildMyLED Dutch. I think they are the XB (more powerful) model but they are very old and I honestly forget lol
- CO2: Old GLA regulator with IDEAL needle valve. PVC reactor running on dedicated loop in sump. 10lb tank w/ 5lb backup
- Return pump: Jebao DCP 5000 (~40%)
- CO2 Reactor Pump: Jebao DCP 2500 (~30%)
- Substrate: Black diamond blasting sand (BDBS)
If you are interested in any of the below plants, DM me and I will let you know when I can trim any of the species you are interested in. I am generally always willing to sell/trade plants.
- Rotala rotundifolia
- Ludwigia red
- Staurogyne repens
Dwarf hairgrass- Ludwigia arcuata
Monte carlo (barely any will probably remove)- Mermaid weed
- Bacopa monnieri
- Bacopa colorata
- Blyxa japonica
- Hygrophila araguaia
- Limnophila aromatica 'mini'
- Lobelia cardinalis 'small form'
- Ludwigia sp rubin
- Rotala Blood Red Singapore (SG)
Rotala Mexicana Goias- AR Mini Variegated
- Physostegia purpurea (sword-like plant in front)
- Penthorum sedoides
- Limnophila belem
- Limnophila helferi aka sp vietnam
- Lagenandra meeboldii 'red round' (red rhizome-type plant)
Heteranthera zosterifolia (all melted on me)- Ludwigia Ovalis
- Myrio Green (Myriophyllum pinnatum)
- Myrio Red (Myriophyllum heterophyllum)
- Rotala Magenta (Rotala macrandra v. 'narrow leaf')
- Rotala Wallichii (Rotala wallichii)
- Diplidis Diandra
- 10 rummynose tetra
- 5 harlequin rasbora
- 2 sterbai cory
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