Journal 22 gallon long bookshelf

Magtool BRITE:
How do you think 1 or 2 of these would do over a 40gal breeder? I am looking for a cheaper alternative for my farm tanks, main tank will always have the best light I can get on it but those get expensive fast.
How do you think 1 or 2 of these would do over a 40gal breeder? I am looking for a cheaper alternative for my farm tanks, main tank will always have the best light I can get on it but those get expensive fast.
I think one of them would work great for a farm tank depending on what you’re trying to grow. Right now I have one over my 15 gallon farm tank and it’s working out great at about 50% power. There seem to be some QC gripes online from some people, but the vendor is great about replacing them. I’ve never had an issue with either one of mine. I highly recommend them. Can’t beat the value for money on this one.
I really like my Waterbox so congrats on that find. The plants look very healthy and growing strong. Will be interesting to see a transition to life underwater.
Those plants look great. They must be creating massive shadows underneath though. What do you have below them?

BTW, how did you navigate the hurricane?
A massive shadow lol. I’ve just been letting it work itself out since I’m going to be redoing my entire rack setup this weekend (hopefully). Just finished my horizontal reactor and need to finish cementing my overflow and pvc tank bridges.


We fortunately skated through the storm relatively untouched. Couple fence panels down, no biggie. Other parts of St. Lucie and Martin county were completely wrecked by the tornadoes though.


I was monitoring our signalized intersection PTZ cameras for work and saw some interesting stuff.

What’s the pink stem to the left, middle, and right? Is that a Ludwigia you grabbed from the wild?
Big changes. Some deconstruction and reconstruction. This may or may not have turned into a full farming operation with emersed grow-out greenhouse…. Still a mess. Stay tuned.





The display tank has taken a big hit from neglect but it’s coming up on a full year anyway and long overdue for a full restart. Once I get the new rack and plumbing straightened out I’ll start the main bookshelf teardown. I think all the hardscape is going and this iteration will be a garden style tank.