Journal 22 gallon long bookshelf

As my 3 year old would say…



Yea it doesn’t look like much but it took 6 hours to get here. Full restart. Pulled all the hardscape, vacuumed the substrate for the first time in 6 months, changed the water no less than 10 times, removed the calcinated clay bags holding the hardscape (big mistake, never again, huge mess). Removed and cleaned both canister filters thoroughly and added some Landen carbon to both.

Rinsed a load of black diamond media and topped what was there. There was some play sand in the bucket that got mixed in. Not sure if I like it but it’s really easy to plant in and this tank is going to serve as a display/farm. I have some stratum leftover so I may still cap it if the aesthetics start to bother me.

Also, finally “built” the rack system for the garage operation. I really dig it. Lots of adjustments still needed like the overflow, sump and reactor but for now it’s up and running.



Slowly filling in. I’m expecting a major algae bloom at some point but was hoping to minimize it by utilizing all existing media (after a thorough rinse) and loaded up with carbon to help strip whatever organics may be floating around. If nothing else, the water is so clear it’s nearly invisible.

Full tank shot as of last night:


Ludwigia curtissii from a few different locales in hopes of finding a variant most suitable for Aquascaping.


Lindernia grandiflora in the background starting to bronze and rotundifolia maintaining its green:


Rows of Ludwigia alata and microcarpa. Rotala ramosior ‘Florida’ locale in the top left. Limnophila hippuridoides to center and aromatica ‘mini’ bottom right. Flanked by some Ludwigia glandulosa to the right to hopefully create a broad low curtain of red.


The army of Xyris.

I think your off to a fantastic start, just keep up with your WC’s and stay consistent with the ferts 👍🏻 easier said than done with the army in the house right
A snip of the native (mostly) section with Mikandia scandens, Mecardonia procumbens, Mecardonia accuminata, Bacopa innominata, Lindernia dubia, etc.


Some Ludwigia decurrens that’s fully submerged and transitioned from another tank. I want to see how it does under the Week Aqua. It’s a stunning green with alternate leafs and short internodes. I’m hoping to see some color contrast under higher light.


And the most challenging of the bunch, Ludwigia suffruticosa. I haven’t been able to get any trimmings to propagate with these due to the stem hardening at a genetic level once they flower so these are from seed. Again, grown to this point in sub optimal conditions so hopefully they will reward my efforts.

Star Wars GIF

On a serious note it is beautiful to see all the fresh stems and clearly growing in a happy environment. I’m looking forward to the next couple weeks to see the results.