Hello all,
Its been a while since I've posted as life has been busy but since my post my never ending battle with bba and green spot algae has been a lot better. It seems as though the majority of my problem was a dirty substrate. I have rescaped to a dutch aquascape and removed my seiryu stone and did a substantial cleaning of my substrate and since then I have had no greenspot algae and significantly reduced the BBA on my slow growing plants. When I rescaped I pulled all my plants and cut all of the leaves off of my buce that seemed to be effected and I have seen very little regrowth except for older leaves which may have had some that missed my attention but it is very minimal.
My new questions pertain to fertilization. I am very interested in trying out preloading macro ferts in my water change bucket (I use RO water with a tds of ~2). I have been reading through Greggz posts on another forum and it has been hugely informative and helpful in trying to attain 1% of the success he has with his dutch aquascape. An interesting topic for me is the preloading of macro ferts. I have been noticing some deficiencies in my rotala (curled leaves...mostly r. green) and some random stunting of tips particularly in my H'ra and bonsai and very twisted growth from AR mini.
Since I don't believe that my problem is with my co2 (degassed ph 7.35 .... light on ph ~6) I am trying to fiddle with my ferts a bit. I have been using a chihiros autodoser and after recalibrating last night realized it was not dosing very accurately. I believe preloading my ferts will be the way to go to simplify and increase the consistency of my macro dosing. My only question in this regard is whether the water with ferts can sit in my brute container for ~3 weeks at a time without growing algae or any other problem. I generally get about that much time from one brute container full of water.
My second question is regarding a mystery I'm having with GH/KH.
Prior to removing my seiryu stone my KH was ~5 and GH ~9. When I rescaped the tank I removed about 90 percent of the water (only water in my canister remained) and refilled it with my remineralized RO water that has a kH of 0 and a gH of 6. This was about 3 weeks ago. Last night I tested my tank and the KH was 3 and the GH was 9. Would Seachem flourish cause this rise in gh/kh? I switched to using seachem flourish instead of CSM+B to try it out when I was having algae issues and dose it above the seachem recommendations (.6 ppm of iron per week). On the seachem website it claims that this product will not increase kH or gH but I'm not sure what else could have been causing this issue.
Thank you in advance!
Here are two pictures the first is when I just planted the tank on 8/8 and here is the tank today on 8/31. I have done some rearranging and a little bit of trimming but this is about 3 and a half weeks of growth. All of the stems started as tissue culture other than the H'ra and Rotala green. You can see the AR mini is growing very twisted as well. I apologize for the ugly appearance I'm just trying to figure out how to grow plants well so scape was not my main concern.
Its been a while since I've posted as life has been busy but since my post my never ending battle with bba and green spot algae has been a lot better. It seems as though the majority of my problem was a dirty substrate. I have rescaped to a dutch aquascape and removed my seiryu stone and did a substantial cleaning of my substrate and since then I have had no greenspot algae and significantly reduced the BBA on my slow growing plants. When I rescaped I pulled all my plants and cut all of the leaves off of my buce that seemed to be effected and I have seen very little regrowth except for older leaves which may have had some that missed my attention but it is very minimal.
My new questions pertain to fertilization. I am very interested in trying out preloading macro ferts in my water change bucket (I use RO water with a tds of ~2). I have been reading through Greggz posts on another forum and it has been hugely informative and helpful in trying to attain 1% of the success he has with his dutch aquascape. An interesting topic for me is the preloading of macro ferts. I have been noticing some deficiencies in my rotala (curled leaves...mostly r. green) and some random stunting of tips particularly in my H'ra and bonsai and very twisted growth from AR mini.
Since I don't believe that my problem is with my co2 (degassed ph 7.35 .... light on ph ~6) I am trying to fiddle with my ferts a bit. I have been using a chihiros autodoser and after recalibrating last night realized it was not dosing very accurately. I believe preloading my ferts will be the way to go to simplify and increase the consistency of my macro dosing. My only question in this regard is whether the water with ferts can sit in my brute container for ~3 weeks at a time without growing algae or any other problem. I generally get about that much time from one brute container full of water.
My second question is regarding a mystery I'm having with GH/KH.
Prior to removing my seiryu stone my KH was ~5 and GH ~9. When I rescaped the tank I removed about 90 percent of the water (only water in my canister remained) and refilled it with my remineralized RO water that has a kH of 0 and a gH of 6. This was about 3 weeks ago. Last night I tested my tank and the KH was 3 and the GH was 9. Would Seachem flourish cause this rise in gh/kh? I switched to using seachem flourish instead of CSM+B to try it out when I was having algae issues and dose it above the seachem recommendations (.6 ppm of iron per week). On the seachem website it claims that this product will not increase kH or gH but I'm not sure what else could have been causing this issue.
Thank you in advance!
Here are two pictures the first is when I just planted the tank on 8/8 and here is the tank today on 8/31. I have done some rearranging and a little bit of trimming but this is about 3 and a half weeks of growth. All of the stems started as tissue culture other than the H'ra and Rotala green. You can see the AR mini is growing very twisted as well. I apologize for the ugly appearance I'm just trying to figure out how to grow plants well so scape was not my main concern.
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