tank of the month

  1. Art

    Tank of the Month TANK OF THE MONTH - February 2023 - Ultum_Hiep's Nature Aquarium

    Introduction Hi my name is Hiep Hong (@Ultum_Hiep), I’ve been aquascaping for about 11 years and have been keeping aquariums for as long as I can remember. I am most known for my accolades within the competitive aquascaping scene from around 2016 until now. My most notable achievement would be...
  2. Art

    Tank of the Month December 2022 Tank of the Month - The Garden by Chaettha Sae-Teaw

    Tank Title name : The Garden Introduction Hi – my name is Cheattha Sae-Teaw and I go by Anthony Zhang in English. I'm Thai-Chinese, born in Phuket, Thailand. I worked in China for 25 years. Now, I’m living in my home town, Phuket island, which is the world's finest beach destination. I love...