high tech

  1. le.nella

    Journal Sreepadma GroWoW! Test Tank: New plants, are they legit?

    Hello everyone! Today I am starting a new little forum on the new tissue cultures in the United States; Sreepadma GroWoW! tissue cultures. For starters, these tissue cultures were introduced into the United States in August of 2024. Although there was some excitement for them, there was some...
  2. SkaleyAquatics

    Journal SkaleyAquatics Re-attempted Dutch

    Hello Everyone, So, 2 years ago I attempted my first Dutch aquarium that some of you may remember from various other forums. It was this 10gal: Unfortunately life got busy and this tank became a disaster a few weeks after this picture was shot. The good news is today starts a new Dutch...
  3. ayman.roshdy

    Journal A high tech tank journey

    Based on a very comprehensive discussion here (The water change - how do you do them?) I decided to start working on a high tech tank based on the advice I received so far, I will use this thread as a journal to create a new high tech tank from scratch, all recommendations/advice are welcomed of...